The MRI Unit operates as part of the Medical Imaging Institute (X-Ray).
The Unit is equipped with a new, advanced MRI machine, with a magnetic field power of T1.5. The device has a 70 cm wide bore, allowing to perform examinations also of people with large body figures.
The Unit conducts a broad array of examinations:
·Neuro, and Head & Neck systems;
·Angiography (MRA) of the aorta and its branches, with and without injection of gadolinium;
·Body - liver (including MRCP), spleen, pancreas, kidneys, intestines (MRE);
·Women pelvis, men pelvic (including prostate with endo-rectal coil);
·Cardiac examinations;
·Examinations on small children and people suffering from claustrophobia are performed under sedation, and according to need also under general anesthesia, supported by a senior Anesthesiologist, and in the presence of a Radiologist.
Examinations are being decrypted by expert physicians, following an appropriate professional Fellowship.
The Unit provides service to both admitted patients in the Medical Center's departments (for urgent cases), and ambulatory services for any patients in need of an examination.
MRI - General Information
MRI examination is a method for scanning various body parts and organs, differing from X-Ray and CT scans, does not use X-Rays (ionized radiation).
The technology is based on the Hydrogen nucleus resonance, that have particularly high concentration in water (constitute 70% of the body tissues). The device is comprised of magnets, positioned in fixed locations within a large magnet.
Through alternate transmission of radio waves, the direction of the molecules varies in a controlled manner, allowing the peripheral magnet to receive signals, and build a map of the hydrogen nucleus according to their distribution within the various tissues.
This is the reason why this examination is only effective for soft tissues imaging (compared with "dry" bone tissue).
Preparation for examination:
The majority of MRT examinations do not require any special preparation (fasting, drinking of contrast liquid, etc). Following are specified special examinations, for which special preparation is required:
1. Abdominal Examination - The examined patient has to be under fasting 6 hours prior to the examination. It is possible to drink water only up to two hours prior to the examination.
2. M.R.C.P (Magnetic Resonance Colangiopanreatography) - Imaging of the gall bladder and pancreas paths, without contrast substance. The same guidelines as in abdominal scanning. I addition, the patient should refrain from smoking cigarettes up to two hours prior to the examination (causes shrinking of the gall bladder).
3. M.R.E (Magnetic Resonance Enterography) - Imaging of the small intestine for diagnosing and monitoring illnesses and legions like colitis and Crohn disease. The same instructions like in abdominal testing. In addition, the patient needs to arrive about two hours prior to execution of the examination, for drinking contrast liquid (it should be stated that the substance causes intestine extraction - diuretic). During the examination, a substance called Glucagon will be injected into the muscle (shoulder), which causes stopping of the intestine peristaltic motion for about 10 minutes.
4. Pelvis - the examines patient needs to be under fasting 4 hours prior to the examination, It is possible to drink water only up to two hours prior to the examination. Except in cases of a pelvic examination, directed at the urinal tracts (M.R.U) - in which case the examined patient needs to be instructed to drink water close to the time of executing the examination. The specific instructions need to be verified with the MRI team.
5. M.R.A. - Magnetic Resonance Angiography - imaging of blood vessels, arteries and veins. Availability of a good Venflone (pink) should be verified, preferably in the left elbow area.
6. Cardiac MR - the examination is aimed, among others, to detect cardiac defects, pericardia diseases, pericarditis, etc.It is not possible to perform the examination without the collaboration of the examined patient, including halting breath according to the MRI operator's instructions. During the examination, the patient is monitoring through a designated device (designated labels). He should be brought to the MRI facility without metal monitoring labels, and in the event of presence of excessive hair - shaving of the chest area. Also, contracts liquid is injected under pressure, therefore, a good Venflone is needed (pink), preferable in the right elbow.
7. M.R. Atrography -Injection of contact liquid directly to the shoulder joint or the hip joint, in order to obtain good demonstration of fine tears in tendons or cartilages, that cannot be demonstrated in a normal MRI examination.
8. Prostate MRI - An examination for scanning for prostate cancer, pre-surgery (staging) evaluation, etc. During the examination, an endo-rectal coil, approximately a finger-thick is inserted into the rectum, used for imaging the prostate.Anesthetic gel will be applied on the transducer in order to facilitate its insertion. The examined patient has to be under fasting for 6 hours prior to the examination. It is possible to drink water only for up to two hours prior to the examination.
9. Examinations under sedation - Examinations on children babies and people with disabilities will be performed for the most part under full or light sedation, in the presence of an Anesthesiologist and a Nurse. The sedation is more effective when the child is tired, therefore, it is recommended to prevent sleep prior to the examination, and bring a bottle to feed the baby following the examination. The examined patient will be kept for observation in the recovery area, and will be later discharged subject to the instruction of the Anesthesiologist.
We will be pleased to be at your service for any question
The Unit Team