Department : Anesthetic and Operating Rooms

Dept. Head

Dr. Armaly Maruan

Head Nurse

Mrs. Ilana Gorodtski

  • General Information

  • Department staff

  • Handouts

The Anesthetic Department is in charge of administrating anesthetics, sedatives and anaesthetization. In addition, the Department is in charge of the Pre-op Clinic, which is responsible for evaluating and preparing high-risk patients for planned operations. The Department is charged with treating patients before, during and after surgery, or any other operation which involves pain, and is also responsible for teaching and instructing specialists in accordance with a structure internship program. 

The Anesthetic Department treats operated patients of the following types: general surgery, orthopedics (including back surgery), ENT, eyes, mouth, and jaw, dialysis, cardiology (including catheterization, pacemakers / defibrillators, cardiology ICU, delivery rooms, gynecology, IVF, urology, to an extent, blood vessel treatments, emergency medicine, simulation. 

The Department is accredited by the Scientific Council for Anesthesiology. 

The hospital contains 9 anesthesiology stations: 

4 in central operating rooms 

2 in the Maxillofacial Department 

2 in the Delivery Room and the Maternity Ward 

An additional anesthesiology station is located near the CT room. 

The Anesthetic Process 

The anesthesiologist is responsible for examining the patient due to receive anesthetics for the purpose of surgery, procedures, invasive procedures and/or any other treatments that involve pain or that are adverse to vital functions, so that they may evaluate the risk entailed in the operation involved, the capacity of the patient to endure it, and to provide instructions for examinations, treatments and the administration of medications prior to any such operation. 

The Department's staff perseveres in implementing the professional guidelines pertaining to this field, as required by the Ministry of Health, the ASA, international anesthesiology organizations and the Cardiologists' Association. As needed, consultation with a cardiologist is carried out prior to deciding whether or not to administer anesthetics. 

Following completion of all preliminary examinations, and after the method of administering the anesthetics has been chosen, the anesthetic is then provided by the anesthesiologist, in accordance with test results and surgical requirements. 

Upon conclusion of anesthetic administration, the patient is then treated in the recovery room until their condition is stabilized. 

As part of the treatments given by anesthesiologists in the recovery room, an important role is given to continued administration of analgesics. Treatment is provided intravenously or by way of continued regional analgesia (epidural or other analgesics). 

Department doctors are proficient in all current conventional anesthetic techniques, including general and various regional anesthetic administration, as well as the administration of sedatives. 

מנהל המחלקה: ד"ר ארמלי מרואן

אחות אחראית: גב' אילנה גורודצקי
סגן אחות אחראית: מר כנען מנסור
אחראית חדר התאוששות: גב' תמר קזולה-
טכנאית הרדמה: גב' ילנה אפנג'ר
מזכירה: גב' טליה לבקוביץ