Department : Newborns and Special Newborn Care

Dept. Head

Dr. Tatiana Smolkin

Head Nurse

Mrs. Orly Banor

  • General Information

  • Department staff

  • Academy

  • Handouts

The Preterm Babies and Newborn Department at the Baruch Padeh Hospital, Poriya, provides optimal conditions for the proper development of preterm babies and newborns following their birth. 

The Department is equipped with diverse and state-of-the-art equipment items used for treating newborns and preterm babies. 

Babies Department and Intermediate Care Unit 

The hospital's Babies Department is a new and spacious department, capable of admitting and caring for some 50 healthy babies born after full pregnancy, forceps delivery or Caesarian section. 

The medical and nursing team in the Babies Department and in the ICU is a highly-professional team with professional experience with caring for healthy babies and those requiring special care. 

The baby and their family are treated from the moment of admission into the Department and until the moment of their discharge. This treatment includes nursing and medical admission for the baby, ongoing care, instruction sessions dealing with breastfeeding and caring for the baby, as well as individual sessions concerning the newborn's discharge and departure to their home. 

Additional treatments performed in the Babies Department include phototherapy to treat for newborn jaundice (treatment by using light), as well as antibiotic treatment or any other medicinal treatment as needed. 

The Babies Department includes an Intermediate Care Unit, where babies in need of monitoring their vital signs due to different reasons are cared for, as well as "premature baby ward graduates" and preterm babies (36th week of pregnancy onwards), or babies born with abnormally low weight. 

Special Care of Newborns 

In the Special Newborn Care Unit there are 16 hospitalization beds. The Unit contains state-of-the-art equipment used for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of preterm and newborn babies, as well as advanced closed and open incubators. 

The Unit serves hospitalized babies born prior to the 36th week of pregnancy, as well as newborns needing special treatment upon birth or following it. The most typical problems endured by preterm babies stem from the incomplete development of their various bodily systems, and these become more common and severe in inverse proportion to the extent of the pregnancy. Early premature birth requires longer hospitalization periods and the parents and medical staff must deal with a wide range of medical and emotional problems. 

Admission of Premature or Normally-conceived Babies into the Premature Babies Department 

Upon admission, the baby will be attached to a monitor tracking down their pulse, respiration and (blood oxygen) saturation. In addition, the baby's blood pressure, body temperature and blood sugar concentration are measured. Upon admission, the baby will be examined by a pediatrician and standard tests will be conducted as needed, such as blood count, blood type tests, blood cultures and chest x-rays. 

Following the doctor's examination, the suitable treatment for the newborn shall be determined, such as IV therapy, antibiotics, the administration of other medications, artificial respiration, oxygen, etc. 

Continued treatment in the Premature Babies Department is determined in accordance with the particular needs of each newborn baby. 

Visitations in the Premature Babies Department 

Premature babies are more vulnerable to infections due to the fact that the immune system in their bodies is yet to complete its full development, and their body struggles to handle infections. 

One of the ways to reduce infection rates is to carefully monitor the number of visitors seeing the premature baby. Parents may visit the Department at all times. Other family members must seek the advance approval of the nursing team prior to visitation. 

It is important to know that high-temperature and diarrhea diseases, or mucous and coughing illnesses contracted by adults may harm premature babies, and visitations are not allowed for those suffering from such diseases, whether they suffer from high-temperature or not. 

Prior to entering the Premature Babies Ward, visitors must meticulously wash their hands and wear a gown. A designated hand-washing and gown-dressing station is situated at the Department's entrance. Upon conclusion of visitations, visitors must store their gowns in a special drawer situated near the baby's bed or in a designated compartment situated under the incubator. For the parents of twins, triplets, etc. - the process of gown-replacement and hand disinfection must be repeated prior to seeing each newborn baby.

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מנהל המחלקה: ד"ר טטיאנה סמולקין

אחות אחראית: גב' גלית יגנה 
קלינאי תקשורת: טנוס טנוס
מזכירה: גב' נורה אפשייב

בבית החולים פעילות קלינית עניפה. להלן קישורים למחקרים קליניים בראשות חוקרים מצוות בית החולים אשר אושרו ע"י ועדת הלסינקי ופועלים בכפוף להנחיות אתיות כנדרש עפ"י אמנת הלסינקי.

 חוקר ראשישם המחקר
 ד"ר אמיר קושניר השוואת התפתחות של פגים משוחררים הניזונים על תרכובות מזון שונות
 ד"ר אמיר קושניר מחקר הבודק הבדלים במגמות תוצאות הטיפול בפגים קטנים מאוד בין יהודים ולא יהודים ביחידות לטיפול מיוחד בפגים וביילודים חולים באזור הצפון
ד"ר שי ברקהאם מתן פומי של תמיסת גלוקוז 25% או מטרנה RTF שלב 1 מפחית את רמת הכאב של הילוד בבדיקת החזר אור אדום, כפי שנמדוד בסולם הכאב PIPP טרום שחרור ממחלקת ילודים




מועד פרסום 


שם המאמר 


Am J Perinatol. 2010 Aug;27(7):513-5. Epub 2010 Jan 20

Influenza A/H1N1 virus in very low-birth-weight premature infant: case report  


Noenatology Today Volume 4 / Issue 3

March 2009

Fetal Disseminated Candida Albicans Sepsis with Congenital Cutaneous Candidiasis Following Chorioamnionitis Associated with Premature Labor