General government hospital
768 Location: Highland of poria, road near the city of TiberiasService provider to Tiberias, Lower Galilee, Jorden Vally and South of the Golan heights population
MailingaddressThe BARUCH PADEH Medical Center, PoriyaM.P. The lower Galilee 15208
Telephone: 04-6652211Phonebook
Cardiological ICU
Head of Unit:
Head Nurse: Mr. Muhamad Atrash
Mrs. Julia KailikianMail: [email protected]
Location:Southern wing internal building
For any questions - Please contact the department staff
The Cardiological ICU includes 6 beds with central and advanced monitoring, and a special treatment room used for emergency invasive treatment, including urgent catheterizations during acute myocardial infarction
Head nurse: Mr. Muhamad AtrashDeputy head nurse: Mr. Morad RushrushEcho technition: Mrs. Chlachal YusraSecretary: Mrs. Tamar Yehoshua