Department : Internal Ward B

Dept. Head

Dr. Soboh Soboh

Head Nurse

Mrs. Ilana Assael

  • General Information

  • Department staff

  • Handouts

Internal Ward B handles the variety of internal diseases. The Ward cares for hospitalizes patients with neurological, gastroenterological, hematological and kidney diseases, and consultation is provided by medical specialists in the field.

The Ward's senior doctors provide consultation for other hospital departments in the field of internal medicine. 

The Ward's medical and nursing staff had set out to provide professional, safe and high-quality service, and to make the patient's stay at the Ward as

pleasant and easy as possible. 


The Ward operates a number of follow-up clinics: 

Internal Diseases Clinic - Headed by senior Ward doctors 

Infectious Diseases Clinic - Headed by Dr. Subah Subah 

Endocrine and Diabetic Diseases Clinic - Headed by Dr. Maria Gershowitz 


Head Of The Department: Dr. Subach Subach

Deputy Head Of The Departmen: Dr. Marina Gershovitz 
Head Nurse: Mrs. Ilana Asael
Secretary: Mrs. Zehava Barazani

Consent Forms - Interal B Department