Department : Emergency Medicine

Dept. Head

Dr. Eran Tal-Or

Head Nurse

Mr. Moshe Ben Semon

  • General Information

  • Department staff

  • Handouts

The Emergency Medicine Department is designed to provide treatment for patients with urgent medical problems at all times, while providing life-saving treatments, evaluations, and primary diagnosis and treatment.

The Department handles some 60,000 patients a year. Patients present problems from a variety of fields: internal cardiology, surgery, pediatrics and orthopedics. 

There are approximately 1,500 cases of light and severe trauma per month, and, during summer months, the number reaches 2,000 per month. Approximately 350 cases per year are treated in trauma rooms, while some patients are hospitalized in the hospital's various departments, while others are transferred to other hospitals. 

The new department inaugurated on 23 June 2011 includes 32 beds, of which: 7 are in the pediatric wing, which includes a designated trauma room. Three beds in a trauma room. 2 intensive care beds, and 19 beds at the Reclining Patients Wing. In addition, a separate wing was opened, which offers prompt treatment for ambulatory patients. 

Work at the Emergency Medicine Department is characterized by the concerted efforts of all medical staff: doctors, nurses and accessory staff. Nurses play a central role in receiving patients, and carry out the initial sorting needed in accordance with the severity and priority of each medical problem. 

The Department's staff works tirelessly to provide high-quality, professional medical and nursing treatment , while maintaining the dignity of the patient and their family. 

The medical staff includes medical specialists of the following fields: emergency medicine, internal medicine, surgery, orthopedics, pediatrics and medical specialists of other disciplines, various interns, residents and family doctors. 

Seven doctors are included in the Department's permanent staff (two emergency medicine specialists, three internal medicine specialists, two orthopedic specialists, two surgeons and one resident). 

This team is responsible for manning the Department during morning, evening and night shifts, which all include designated on-call doctors. 

The nursing staff includes 28 certified nurses, some of whom possess either a bachelor's or a master's degree, and all of them have undergone advanced emergency medicine and trauma training. 

The team includes a psychiatrist and two social workers. 

In addition, the Department acts as a clinical area for residents of various specialties, such as: family practice, interns and medical and nursing students. Also, the Department is an accredited emergency medicine residency department. 

The Department's team shall continue to strive for excellence, and to serve as a source of guidance and attraction for interns and medical and nursing students, and as to serve as a source of direction and guidance for the community.

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 Head Of The Department: Dr. Eran Tal-Or

Head Nurse: Mr Moshe Ben Simon
Secretary: Mrs. Vered Zamir

Medical Staff

Dr. Hejazi Achsan
Dr. Sfoury Gesan
Dr. Soybelman Michael